Sunday, June 14, 2009

Getting to Italy...

I had promised that the next blog would be about my arrival to Italy but after my long adventures to get to Italy (and technically I'm not there yet), I had to write this.

I travel enough for work and self to know a bit about flying but was not prepared for this. I attend at least 3 conferences a year to exhibit and recruit undergraduates, graduates, and postdoctoral students into the many programs that are housed at the INBT. Plus I take at least one trip for myself outside of work. With all that said, I fly a lot.

I believe this may have been my first time flying Delta and it will be my last. I did the online check-in as usual and since this was an international flight, I arrived to the airport more than 2 hours early. I should have known from the beginning that there was going to be some issues because the lines were so long and so many people were complaining. I was told to go to one line and then once through that line, told that was the wrong line & had to go to another line. The reps were overwhelmed and unable to provide good customer service during check-in at BWI. I waited about an hour just to check my bag in. I didn't let it dampen my spirits. I told the ladies to have a wonderful day and went to wait for my flight.

Low and behold, the flight from BWI to JFK was going to be delayed but only by 20 minutes. We were not told why but were assured we would not miss our connecting flight to Pisa, Italy, since the flight from BWI to JFK is only 30 minutes. Needless to say, the 30 minute flight turned into an hour and 45 minute flight and we missed our connection.

Yes, I say we, because on my flight was Dr. Sharon Gerecht, a professor at Hopkins, that was on her way to the conference as well, to give a talk. When Sharon & I arrived to JFK we were told by Delta, that its not their fault and that they would put us on the next flight to Italy. Cool! The next flight to Pisa was in 24 hours!

So no least not today.

Sharon got us a room for the night and we ate some of the worst chinese ever. We spent a total of about 18 hours in the airport for both days. We are finally boarding the flight to Pisa, Italy. Yeah!!!

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